Iron Forged Gym Entrance
A few words about the Iron Forged Gym! The one things that sets us apart is he atmosphere! You can feel that this is a gym to push your limits! No matter who you are and how advanced you are this is a place where you will not be judged and you will get support from those around you. Trevor Benko set this gym up to be exactly what he felt was missing from the other gyms he had been to in the last few years. Mod Giachetti and Trevor Benko worked together to select each piece of equipment with one thing in mind, to ensure they got the equipment that will produce the best results. They were determined to make this gym feel like a REAL GYM ! Mod and Trevor have helped tons of people over the years. Mod actually is the reason Trevor started bodybuilding himself as a teenager. This choice kept him out of a lot of trouble over the years. The Iron Forged Gym is Trevor’s way of giving back to those around him by sharing his dream with everyone in the community. There are many options at the Iron Forged Gym you can vary your workouts for months on end before running out of new things to try. We recently added 3 brand new Arsenal Strength pieces to our facilty. The Arsenal Strength Incline fly, Glute bridge, and Reloaded back row which are all custom painted to match our logo. Our leg area is one of the biggest around. We have a pendulumn squat, a power runner, a Bodymaster Front squat, a bodymaster hack squat, a bodymaster 45 degree leg press, a near vertical stryve leg press, Inner and outer thigh, two different types of leg extensions one stryve (selectorized) and one hammer stength

Bodymaster Leg press
plate loaded , a bodymaster (selectorized) horizontal leg press, a hammer strength pendulumn press, a nautilus Horizontal press, Lying leg curl plate loaded by hammer strength, Seated leg curls from stryve (seletorized) and a hammerstrength seated leg curl, a glute kickback machine, standing leg curl, kneeling leg curl, a flex lying leg curl, and much more… The atomosphere in the gym is what really sells the gym. As soon as you walk in you can feel the energy even if there is no one there. There is just something about a real gym that makes you want to train harder. If anyone has spent time in a real gym before it makes a commercial gym seem like it is just tame in comparison. If you want to push yourself and your potential The Iron Forged Gym is the place you want to be!
Trevor Deadlifting 585 after missing it at the end of his workout

Drea (Trevor and Anna’s Daughter) on standing T-bar row