Mod is the Trainer at the Iron Forged Gym. He is and has been certified in many aspects of Fitness such as Personal Training, Anti-aging, Obesity Management, Nutrition Science, Certified Strength Coach (through Slippery Rock), Certified in Exercise Science (Slippery rock), and Also in Injury Rehab. Mod is also a Board Certified Master Trainer. He has competed and won numerous regional and state bodybuilding competitions such as Mr. Pittsburgh over 35 he won four times, Over 40 He won one time, He won Mr. Washington overall, The Tri-State Open and closed Light Heavyweight class, The West Virginia Heavyweight class and placed in the Top 6 of the Master's Nationals two times. He wants to help everyone reach their fitness goals and truly enjoys helping others reach their peak abilities. If you are looking for a qualified Trainer it doesn't get more qualified and experienced than Mod Giachetti.
Mod was one of the main reasons Trevor decided to build the gym. If Mod and Sandy had not been 100% committed to making this happen it may not have happened at all. Things happen for a reason and sometimes the worst things in life lead to the biggest successes. Mod believed that it could be done and helped keep Trevor on course to bringing this dream to life. There were many, many days where they traveled to look at locations, talked about equipment, Refurbished equipment, discussed what would be needed to make the gym successful. Mod had done this before and with his help, they were able to pull off what most thought would be impossible. They felt like there were no other options in order to have a real gym to train the way they enjoy to train. Now that dream is shared with all of the members of the gym and the gym feels like home to them. It is very much like a family at the Iron Forged Gym. If you are lacking drive sometimes all it takes is someone to see something in you that you may not see in yourself and for many people Mod is that someone. One session with him and you will see what I mean when I say the gym is not the same with him not in it.
Sandy Mozden works alongside Mod in the gym. She is certified in personal training, women’s fitness and weight loss management. She is also a competitive bodybuilder and Women's Physique competitor, competing in several bodybuilding shows and has competed nationally. Her goal is to inspire and motivate others to live a more active, healthier lifestyle.
Sandy started training later in life and totally fell in love with it. She didn't know that she would one day be a competitor because she didn't imagine it was possible for her to get to that point. She put her trust in Mod and put in the work. In the gym and at home with the diet. Over a period of 3-4 yrs, she went from average to an elite level that very few will ever achieve by competing with the best in the country at the Master's Nationals in Pittsburgh, PA. She would love to win a big show and turn pro eventually but no matter what happens she is committed to never giving up on this lifestyle and is proof that hard work does pay off. If you need motivation, having someone who has been through it themselves and knows what it is like to struggle to reach their goal is a tremendous help. Accomplishing what many would have said was impossible, Sandy's success is proof of her work ethic. She is happy to help anyone who wants to make a real change in their lives and give others what has been given to her, the motivation to better oneself!

Who is Trevor Benko? Well I am am Trevor Benko. I am the owner of the Iron Forged Gym , TGB Supplements, and Iron Forged Nutrition. I am also the host of the Anabolic Cartel Podcast. I am self-made and I have literally worked my way from the bottom to the top. I have been to rock bottom and that is where I found the strength and motivation to build my life into what it is today. I was almost defeated after the passing of his son Tyson in 2010. I let myself get addicted to Opiates trying to numb the emotional pain after the loss. Shortly after losing my son I lost my best friend on a street bike that I had sold when I was trying to buy my house to get ready for my son's arrival. I was in a bad spot in every sense of the word. I was in so much pain emotionally and I was using pain killers to numb it. I was about to lose everything, I quit my job, I was about to lose the house I just moved into a few months ago, I was going to lose my car. I grew up with very little and because of that money was always very important to me. When my son had passed I almost didn't care about money anymore. No amount of money could fix what I felt at that time. With that being said I desperately needed to make money to survive. I resorted to anything I could to make money I had even fought for money on a couple of occasions. Finding out we were having a baby coming due the same day a yr after losing my son made me realize that I had to get myself together. I knew I wouldn't make it long enough to even meet her if I kept going the way I was. I thought about what I could do to make a living and what would make me truly happy. This is when I realized training and living the health and fitness lifestyle was the only positive thing in my life that I truly enjoyed. So I decided to put everything I had left into starting TGB Supplements. Thankfully things slowly fell into place and continued to grow one step at a time. That was almost 10 yrs ago now. Since then much has happened. We started our own supplement company in 2014 called Iron Forged Nutrition and I started the Anabolic Cartel Podcast in 2016. These were all things that I had always dreamed of doing and I went after them and made them become a reality. There was one piece that was missing and that was owning a real bodybuilding Gym. Once again things fell into place when the time was right and I looked and followed the signs. Mod and Sandy were going through their own difficulties and it became apparent that we all needed this gym to work out so we decided we were going to make it happen one way or another in 2018. We started by getting one piece at a time and looking for buildings. A lot happened during this time and it seemed that it almost had to be meant to happen. On March 1st of 2019, we officially opened the gym and it is one of the things I am most proud of business-wise to this day. This gym will continue to grow until it is the best gym in the country! That is my goal and I don't plan on stopping until I accomplish it. I hope you are a part of it get to see us grow!
As for Training certifications and stats Trevor is a coach and has been working with Mod side by side now for probably close to 8 yrs. He has competed 2 times himself and plans to do so again in the near future. He is certified as a personal Trainer by ISSA. He also has a certification in Hormones and Performance. He has been training consistently for over 18 yrs. He has helped thousands over the last 9 yrs get into shape and reach their fitness goals. He also is a physician Liason for Dr. Dennis James Courtney with Regenesis HRT Pittsburgh. Trevor has many skills and is one of the most helpful people you will meet! He helps anyone he can because he feels it is the right thing to do even if it doesn't translate into him getting anything for it.
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